Articles on: Classic Remote Management - REST API

Example: Python Device API (Classic Remote Management)

Sample code to consume the Device API using Python.

utcnow = datetime.utcnow()

timestamp = utcnow.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
request_type = 'GET'
uri = '/api/device'
payload = request_type + timestamp + uri
key = bytes(os.environ['AKB_SECRET'],"ascii")
raw = bytes(payload,"ascii")
hashed =, raw, hashlib.sha256)
h = base64.b64encode(hashed.digest()).decode()
authentication = os.environ['AKB_KEY'] + ':' + h
headers = {
"Timestamp": timestamp
url = '' + uri
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

Updated on: 10/07/2024

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