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KB: Android Keyboard Suggestions

Keyboard Suggestions

The "Suggestions Strip" and "Personalised Suggestions" features within Android can be a cause of private information of one user, being shown to other Kiosk users.

This is not controlled or caused by Kiosk Browser, however we strongly suggest ensuring that you disable these features within the Android System Settings before putting your Kiosks into a live environment.

This will ensure your Kiosks are compliant with local data protection laws and GDPR regulations.

The location of this setting may differ on various Android versions/different manufacturers, however we have included screenshots below which will guide you on where you should find this setting.

The email addresses shown in the Suggestion Strip in the screenshots have been hidden, of course usually a full email address would be displayed.

Navigate to Settings and then "System"

Navigate to "Languages and Input"

Navigate to "Virtual Keyboard"

Navigate to "Gboard"

Navigate to "Text Correction"

We would recommend disabling "Show Suggestion Strip"

We would recommend disabling "Suggest Contacts"

And finally we would recommend disabling "Personalised Suggestions"

Following these steps should ensure that your Kiosks remain complaint with data protection, GDPR etc., and you can continue to benefit from them with no concern of personal details being leaked to other users.

Updated on: 04/08/2020

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