Articles on: Other

Will You Create a Windows / iOS Version of Kiosk Browser?

This is a question we are asked frequently, and we are flattered that you would like to see us creating software for other devices!

However, we have been developing Kiosk Browser since 2012-2013 and it has taken that time to evolve into the software you see today.

For us to create a Windows/iOS version of Kiosk Browser would take all of our energy and attention from Kiosk Browser for Android, and we pride ourselves on the constant development, refinement, feature improvements and customer support that we offer.

We have poured our heart and soul into making Kiosk Browser, and will continue to do so for as long as we can.

With that in mind, we have no plans to build a Windows / iOS version right now and will continue to develop the app for Android with as much enthusiasm as when we started five years ago.

Updated on: 14/05/2018

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