How do I enter my licence key?
Licence keys are supported from version 1.45 and up, make sure you have the latest version installed (either from Google Play or the link in your order confirmation email) and you enter the licence key in Settings About Enter Licence Key.Some readersHow does the licensing system work?
When buying licenses you must buy 1 licence per device. You can buy directly through our website, and it is not tied to your Google Account. There are no yearly licensing or maintenance fees and you receive free upgrades for the lifetime of the product. How do I enter my licence key? Examples: If you buy 1 licence you will receive one licence keyFew readersHow Long is a Kiosk Browser/Launcher Licence Valid For?
When you purchase a Kiosk Browser/Launcher licence it is a one-off cost. A licence is required for each device you use, and the licence is valid for the lifetime of the application. You can visit our website or check the information within our Pricing Structure article for further information on licensing.Few readersKB: Licensing via an XML file
In a scenario where you are activating Kiosk Browser licences on a large number of devices it makes sense to avoid doing this manually via Settings About. It is possible to activate a device by creating an xml file with your licence details and letting Kiosk Browser automatically activate when first launched. The file must be named "kioskbrowserlicence.xml" and it should be placed in the Default Storage Location ( readersTrialling Kiosk Browser or Kiosk Launcher (App Only)
When you first install Kiosk Browser or Kiosk Launcher, you will have access to a 5-day unrestricted trial. You can dismiss the message displayed at the bottom of the browser ("Unlicensed. Purchase licence to remove this message") which will display a toast message for 5 seconds that states "Trial activated for 5 days, dismissing unlicensed message". Once you have navigated throughFew readersIs Remote Management included with Kiosk Browser/Launcher licences?
No, Remote Management is a subscription based service charged either monthly or annually. All Kiosk Browser/Launcher features are included with remote management.Few readersKB: How to acquire a licence key for purchases made before 20/10/2014
If you purchased Kiosk Browser before 20/10/2014 you will need to contact us to request a licence key to use the latest version of Kiosk Browser. So that we can process your licence key request quickly please provide your order number(s) in the email.Few readers